Center for Antibody Technologies

Science for Society


At the Center for Antibody Technologies, we believe that science should be conducted for the benefit of society. We specialize in antibody discovery and synthetic biology, and we have a core focus on developing affordable biotherapeutics and diagnostics for neglected tropical diseases and other infectious diseases, as well as advancing frontier antibody discovery technologies. We employ phage display technology for discovery of human monoclonal antibodies, nanobodies, and other binding proteins, as well as we utilize synthetic biology and DNA sequencing in much of our experimental work.


We have a strategic technological focus on developing monoclonal antibodies with special binding properties. These types of antibodies can be used for broad neutralization of multiple targets at low dose or selective targeting of critical factors involved in pathogenesis. Our capabilities in this field allow us to design advanced biotherapeutics based on oligoclonal antibodies, biotherapeutics that are homed to distinct anatomical sites, and robust antibodies for diagnostics.


A key area of our interest is the neutralization of protein-based toxins. Here, we have developed panels of antibodies that can neutralize toxins from snakes, scorpions, spiders, and bees. These antibodies are part of a larger mission to enable the development of recombinant antivenoms that can replace current envenoming therapies based on plasma-derived polyclonal antibodies.